LADIES Shooting
Your Safety Is Our Priority!

At Dual Defense Safety Training, our mission is simple: To help keep our communities safe and enjoyable places to live, work, and play. Our goal is to provide you with useful sporting and personal defense information that will make a difference in your daily life. We offer training courses and safety seminars in both firearms and non-firearms formats so you can choose which options fit best into your lifestyle. Browse through our listing of courses, then contact us today to get started with a new sport and/or learning to protect yourself.
(All courses can be presented in Ladies Only, Co-Ed, Group, or Private Lesson format upon request)
Beginner Pistol
Intermediate Pistol
Basic Pistol (Expanded)
Defensive Pistol I & II
Defensive Pistol (Expanded)
Basic Rifle
Basic Shotgun
Defensive Shotgun
Home Firearm Safety
CCW Fundamentals
Home Defense Fundamentals
CA DOJ Firearm Safety Certificate
Personal Protection Inside/Outside The Home